Flight Timetable

The Flight Timetable service provides the ability to identify flight schedules by the day of the week. Requests can be submitted for the timetable for a specific flight or for a general timetable. In addition to returning non-stop and direct flights, connections can also be included.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support timetables for specific flights.


FlightTimeTableReq is used to make a Flight Timetable request. Submit:

A NextResultReference may be returned in FlightTimeTableRsp if more rates are available. It can be submitted in a subsequent FlightTimeTableReq to retrieve the additional rates.

General timetable request

The following information is sent in FlightTimeTableCriteria/GeneralTimeTable.



Flight start date and time

Specifies the start date and time of the flight range.

  • @StartDate is required and indicates the start date of the flight range's departure.
  • @StartTime is optional and indicates the start time at which the flights depart each day in the date range. For example, if you enter 10:00:00, flights that depart at 10:00:00 until the EndTime are returned in the time table.

Flight end date and time

Optional attributes that specify the end date and time of the flight range.

  • @EndDate indicates the end date of the flight range's departure.
  • @EndTime indicates the end time for departure time range. For example, if you enter 12:00:00, flights that depart up to 12:00:00 are returned in the time table. The flight start time in the time table is based on the StartTime.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support EndDate and return a warning in the response: End Date is not supported for the requested provider.

Include connections?

Send @IncludeConnection to include or exclude connections from the response.

  • Set to "true" to include connecting flights (both online and interline connections) in addition to non-stop and direct flights.
  • Set to "false" if you do not want connections. If this value is not included, no connections are returned.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support connections.

Days of operation

Send DaysOfOperation to specify the days of the week for which you want the timetable returned. Values are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support DaysOfOperation and return a warning in the response: Days of Operation is not supported for the requested provider.

Flight origin and destination

FlightOrigin and FlightDestination are required.

Include or exclude carrier

Include or exclude carriers from the response. Use CarrierList @IncludeCarrier to define whether carriers will be excluded or included. Specify the carriers in CarrierList/CarrierCode.

CarrierList @IncludeCarrier

  • Set IncludeCarrier=“true” to display time table information for the carriers listed in CarrierCode.
  • Set IncludeCarrier=“false” to exclude the carriers listed in CarrierCode from the time table display.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support the exclusion of carriers. If the request contains IncludeCarrier="false", an error is returned: The exclusion of carrier is not supported by this provider.


Enter up to six carriers to include or exclude.

Note: Worldspan (1P) allows a maximum of three carriers. A warning is returned if more than three are entered: Only first three Carrier Codes are supported in the include carrier list for the requested provider.


FlightTimeTableRsp returns a Flight Timetable response. Available response data varies by provider and supplier.

A NextResultReference in AirFlightTimeTableRsp indicates more data is available and a subsequent AirFlightTimeTableReq can be sent with the value returned in NextResultReference.

If IncludeConnection="true" in the request if and connecting flights are returned, FlightTimeTableList/FlightTimeDetail/Connection displays in the response to indicate a connecting flight.

Note: Worldspan (1P) does not support connections.


Airline Content Hub does not support Flight Timetable requests.