Voiding Air Tickets

A ticket might be voided if a mistake was made, such as the wrong credit card was used to issue the ticket or the passenger’s name was incorrect. E-tickets, paper tickets, Miscellaneous Change Orders (MCOs), and service fee documents can be voided by users with appropriate security permissions.

Voiding any document like an e-ticket, paper ticket, MCO, or service fee means invalidating the ticket. Usually, a ticket can be voided on the day it was issued, till 23:59 local time zone of the PCC where the ticket was issued, however, the period during which a ticket can be voided may vary.. The period of time during which a void can occur is handled by the provider. Universal API does not enforce the void period or any exceptions to the rules for the void period.

Currently, the AirDocumentVoidReq cannot be used for:

Additionally, when AirDocumentVoidReq is sent, the following actions are not performed:


See the following transactions for Voiding Air Tickets:


When a ticket is voided, all open coupons (i.e., coupons available to void) are voided. All coupons in a ticket must be open or the ticket cannot be voided. A partial ticket (e.g., one coupon is open, the other coupon is not open) cannot be voided.

AirVoidDocumentReq in the AirTicketingService is used to void a ticket.

Prior to sending AirVoidDocumentReq:

  1. Retrieve the booking using AirRetrieveDocumentReq and/or UniversalRecordRetrieveReq.
  2. Ensure all the tickets needing to be voided are returned in the response.
  3. Ensure the AirVoidDocumentReq is sent in the same PCC the ticket was issued. Depending on the settings, you can retrieve the booking from another PCC, but the tickets can only be voided from the PCC in which they were issued.

Note: These step must be performed due to ticket synchronization issues that occasionally occur. Otherwise, tickets may not be voided, and no warnings return.

The AirDocumentVoidReq may contain a number of modifiers that are used to find the document:

If DocumentNumber is included in the request, DocumentType must also be included in the request and vice versa. Or, neither may be sent in the request. However, if neither are sent, one of AirReservationLocatorCode or ProviderLocatorCode must be sent

Set ShowETR to true to display the detailed ETR (Electronic Ticket Retrieval) for successfully voided e-tickets in the response.


The AirVoidDocumentRsp is returned and includes a Success or Failure indicator.

ETR is returned when ShowETR=true in the request.

If the request voided an e-ticket, the void is logged in the Universal Record History and the status of the e-ticket is synched after voiding. The Universal Record History is not updated when a paper ticket, service fee, or MCO is voided.

After AirVoidDocumentRsp is returned, send AirRetrieveDocumentReq to ensure all tickets were successfully voided (returns Status="V"). For example:

<air:Coupon Status="V"/>

Error and Warning Messages

If a ticket is not successfully voided, an error or warning message may be returned in AirVoidTicketRsp/VoidFailureInfo/VoidFailure. The following errors may occur during input validation of the Air Void request:
