Ticketing Modifiers

After a fare quote has been stored, Ticketing modifiers can be included that apply only to the ticket issued from a stored fare and not the price. The Ticketing modifiers are associated to the AirPricingInfo that they modify. They include:

Most of these modifiers are valid in any country/BSP, but there may be minor exceptions.

Each entry that contains updated ticketing modifiers acts as an overwrite for the entire list of modifiers stored with that fare. For example: If a commission override and a plating carrier have been stored with the fare, and an endorsement needs to be added, the entry must re-state the commission amount and the plating carrier along with the new endorsement. If only the endorsement data is sent in, the commission and plating carrier information are removed. Modifiers are removed in the same way: by submitting all existing modifiers and omitting the modifier which is no longer needed.

Commission can be added at the time of booking through the Commission ticketing modifier in AirCreateReservationReq. Commission is the only ticketing modifier supported at the time of booking. See Commission below for more information.


Ticketing modifiers can be:

To add Ticketing modifiers to multiple stored fares using a single Universal API request, use multiple UniversalModifyCmds, and specify the data separately for each stored fare. For a particular stored fare, all the AirPricingTicketingModifiers/AirPricingInfoRef must be specified or an error is returned. A stored fare is identified by the value of AirPricingInfoGroup, and all AirPricingInfos that have the same AirPricingInfoGroup belong to the same stored fare in the provider reservation. Refer to the UniversalRecordModifyReq schema to view TicketingModifiers elements and attributes.

TourCode (Group Tour) and Bulk Ticket

GroupTour allows an agency to update the fare as a Group Tour (inclusive tour) ticket. BulkTicket allows an agency to update the fare as a Bulk ticket.

The SuppressOnFareCalc attribute controls how the fare calculation is printed on the ticket for both elements. If SuppressOnFareCalc is not set, the default is print Fare Calculation. Check to ensure the provider supports this functionality.

Plating Carrier

PlatingCarrier allows an agency to specify the Plating Carrier for ticketing. For example,


Commission is typically used for Net Remittance.

As of Universal v35.0 and later, the common Commission element is also in AirCreateReservationReq and can be used to specify commission at the time of booking. Commission is the only ticketing modifier supported in AirCreateReservationReq.

Example of a standalone Commission in AirCreateReservationReq:

<air:AirPricingInfoRef Key="0AA/BDAA==" />
<com:Commission Level="Fare" Type="PercentBase" Percentage="3.00" />

Note: In theTicketingModifier element, the TicketEndorsement, TourCode, and GroupTour elements can be added in combination with Commission for Galileo (1G). These modifier cannot be added as standalone in AirCreateReservationReq, except the Commission ticketing modifier. For example, a combination of Commission, TourCode and TicketEndorsement in a single request:


<univ:UniversalRecordModifyReq xmlns:com="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v50_0" xmlns:univ="http://www.travelport.com/schema/universal_v50_0" xmlns:air="http://www.travelport.com/schema/air_v50_0" ReturnRecord="true" TargetBranch="P1234567" Version="1">
<com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" />
<univ:RecordIdentifier ProviderCode="1G" ProviderLocatorCode="RSTUVW" UniversalLocatorCode="GABCDE" />
<univ:UniversalModifyCmd Key="1">
<univ:AirAdd ReservationLocatorCode="GABCDG">
<air:AirPricingInfoRef Key="vJAA==" />
<air:TicketingModifiers><com:Commission Level="Fare" Percentage="5.00" Type="PercentBase" />
<air:TourCode Value="A0000000F"/>
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 29 CHAR PER LINE INC SPCE" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 3 ENDORSEMENTS" /> 
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="PER TICKET" />


A successful response returns message “Universal record successfully modified” and added element is shown in UniversalRecord:

<air:TicketingModifiersRef Key="vJAA==" />
<air:TicketingModifiers PlatingCarrier="VA" Key="vJAA==" ElStat="A">
<common_v50_0:Commission Level="Fare" Type="PercentBase" Percentage="5.0" />
<air:TourCode Value="A0000000F" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 29 CHAR PER LINE INC SPCE" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 3 ENDORSEMENTS" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="PER TICKET" />
<air:DocumentSelect IssueElectronicTicket="true" />

Amount and Value

Modifier enumeration values: FarePercent, FareAmount, CommissionAmount, LessStandardCommission, StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent, SupplementaryPercent, SupplementaryAmount


TicketEndorsement allows endorsements to be added to the ticket. Only the first 29 characters of each endorsement are added to the stored fare and saved in the Universal Record. Up to three manually-entered endorsements are allowed. For example:


<univ:UniversalRecordModifyReq xmlns:com="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v50_0" 
xmlns:univ="http://www.travelport.com/schema/universal_v50_0" xmlns:air="http://www.travelport.com/schema/air_v50_0" 
ReturnRecord="true" TargetBranch="P1234567" TraceId="21-66" Version="0">
<com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" />
<univ:RecordIdentifier ProviderCode="1G" ProviderLocatorCode="ABCDE7" UniversalLocatorCode="ABCDEO" />
<univ:UniversalModifyCmd Key="1">
<univ:AirAdd ReservationLocatorCode="ABCDEP">
<air:AirPricingInfoRef Key="0WAA==" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 29 CHAR PER LINE INC SPCE" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 3 ENDORSEMENTS" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="PER TICKET" />


A successful response returns message “Universal record successfully modified” and added element is shown in UniversalRecord.

<air:TicketingModifiersRef Key="0WAA==" />
<air:TicketingModifiers PlatingCarrier="VA" Key="0WAA==" ElStat="A">
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 29 CHAR PER LINE INC SPCE" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="MAX 3 ENDORSEMENTS" />
<air:TicketEndorsement Value="PER TICKET" />
<air:DocumentSelect IssueElectronicTicket="true" />


Note: TicketEndorsement modifier cannot be added as standalone in AirCreateReservationReq


Tour Code

TourCode modifies the tour code information on the ticket. Galileo allows up to 14 characters, and Apollo allows up to 15 characters. If the TourCode/Value is exceeded on the Galileo Host, an error is returned. For example:

<univ:UniversalRecordModifyReq xmlns:com="http://www.travelport.com/schema/common_v50_0" 
xmlns:univ="http://www.travelport.com/schema/universal_v50_0" xmlns:air="http://www.travelport.com/schema/air_v50_0"
ReturnRecord="true" TargetBranch="P1234567" TraceId="21-66" Version="1">
<com:BillingPointOfSaleInfo OriginApplication="UAPI" />
<univ:RecordIdentifier ProviderCode="1G" ProviderLocatorCode="STUVWX" UniversalLocatorCode="ABCDEO" />
<univ:UniversalModifyCmd Key="1">
<univ:AirAdd ReservationLocatorCode="ABCDEP">
<air:AirPricingInfoRef Key="0WAA==" />
     <air:TourCode Value="AB111111F" />


A successful response returns message “Universal record successfully modified” and added element is shown in UniversalRecord.

 <air:TicketingModifiersRef Key="0WAA==" />
<air:TicketingModifiers PlatingCarrier="VA" Key="0W17yiE0nDKAWZtSSAAAAA==" ElStat="A">
<air:TourCode Value="AB111111F" />
<air:DocumentSelect IssueElectronicTicket="true" />

Note: TourCode cannot be added as standalone in AirCreateReservationReq.


A successful response includes the UniversalRecordModifyRsp.

Document Instruction (DI) Lines (1P)

UniversalRecord/AirReservation/TicketingModifiers DI information, such as FreeText, DocumentInstructionNumber, Status, and NameNumber, is returned in

With the Universal v48.0 Release, the request retrieves all the DI line Lines present in the PNR from the provider and returns the DI lines as Free Text in the response. For example:

<air:TicketingModifiers Key="ZmWi5d/Y3BKATfiAAAAAAA==" ElStat="A" FreeText=" N1.1|K8.5" DocumentInstructionNumber="1" Status=”Ticketed” NameNumber="1.1" IsPrimaryDI="false" >

<BookingTravelerRef Key="iqYs30Z+TtSh9xXV6q50yA=="/>

<common_v47_0:Commission Level="Fare" Type="PercentBase" Percentage="8.5"/>


Prior schema versions continue to support the old format of displaying DI without the "status" information.
