Reissuing Tickets
In certain cases, the Galileo and Apollo providers allow ticket reissuance, such as reissuing a ticket after voiding the ticket and verifying the stored fare. Universal API provides relaxed validation. With the relaxation, both providers perform their own validation and return either a successful ticket response or an error.
Universal API evaluates the correct Universal Record ticketing status for Universal Record Search and Reporting based on the most current flight coupon for the booking traveler and air segment pair. The BookingTraveler value must match the booking traveler of each corresponding AirSegment that is matched with the coupon, based on Origin, Destination, MarketingFlightNumber, DepartureTime, and BookingClass (ClassOfService in AirSegment). Departure time is not considered for open segments without dates.
The Ticket Status is considered Ticketed:
- If the TCR is confirmed for the Airline Content Hub (ACH) segment-traveler pair
- If duplicate open segments have the same Provider Reservation in the Universal Record and have one open segment that is Ticketed
- If the coupon in ETR for the Galileo or Apollo segment-traveler pair has one of the following ticketed statuses:
- OPEN (O)
AirTicketingReq is used to reissue a ticket. See Requesting Air Tickets.
AirTicketingRsp is sent to confirm the success or failure of the reissue.
Errors and Warnings
If an error code is returned during the reissue of the ticket, but no error text is included, the error displays in the TicketIssuance failure information.
The relaxed validation for ticket reissuance is not available through Universal API on Worldspan.
Airline Content Hub does not perform validation.