Air Pricing with Passenger Types

Air Pricing requests (LFS) can be modified to return fares for specific passenger types using Passenger Type Codes (PTC).

By default, air requests assume that all passengers are Adults. However, additional passenger types can be entered. Passenger types can indicate a number of circumstances, including age, companion status, organizational affiliation, and need for special assistance. For some age-related passenger types, such as Child, Infant, or Senior, a corresponding Age attribute may also be required.

Typically, IATA PTC values are three characters (ADT, SRC, CNN, INS, etc.) but several of the Low Cost Carriers use non-standard codes that could be up to five characters.

Some codes combine alphanumeric values to indicate a passenger type, for example:

Note: Suppliers may vary in their usage of passenger types. For example, the minimum age limit of a senior-restricted fare may vary by supplier.


Passenger Types are identified through attributes of the AirPriceReq/SearchPassenger.

The following attributes of SearchPassenger indicate the passenger type and usage.


A standard Air Pricing response is returned for flights and price options that are valid for the specified PTCs. The Passenger Type is indicated in AirPriceRsp/AirPriceResult/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/PassengerType and is tied to a specific flight segment. If multiple passengers are reflected in the PTC FareBreakdown, a SearchPassenger element is returned for each passenger, even though they are exactly the same.

The AirPricingSolution reflects the total of all passengers for that flight segment and is calculated by taking the fares for each passenger type and multiplying the fare by the number of SearchPassenger elements for that PTC. If a fare basis code is missing for the child or infant, the fare basis code for the adult within that AirPricingSolution is used.

If the PricePTCOnly attribute is set to 'True' in the request, only the specified PTCs are priced. However, if the PricePTCOnly attribute is set to 'False' in the request, flights and price options for the default Adult ('ADT') passenger type may also be returned.



For a more complete list of functionality available from various ACH carriers, see ACH Carriers Functionality. Because functionality for carriers may be subject to change, always confirm functionality directly with the ACH carrier before implementation.