Air Booking with Fare Type

Both public and private (negotiated) fares are available through Universal API. Depending on the data source, the following types of fares can be returned:

Note: Private fares can also be redistributed, which means that a requestor can ask for private fares from another provider who has a different Pseudo City Code (PCC).


Located in Universal.xsd:

How To

  1. Include the minimum required information for creating an air booking.

  2. To filter the types of fares returned in the response, send AirCreateReservationReq/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifers @FaresIndicator. The allowed values are:

    • PublicFaresOnly

    • PrivateFaresOnly

    • AgencyPrivateFaresOnly

    • AirlinePrivateFaresOnly

    • NetFaresOnly

    • PublicAndPrivateFares

    • AllFares

    If no value is set for @FaresIndicator, the default response for the provider or supplier is returned. See the Exceptions section for permitted fare types for each provider/supplier.

  3. If an account code or contract code is required for an airline or agency private fare, specify the @Code attribute of /AirPricingModifiers/AccountCodes/AccountCode or /AirPricingModifiers/ContractCodes/ContractCode. The supplier's account/contract code, as well as the provider code, must be specified. This code applies to the entire journey, not to an individual flight segment. 

    If the AccountCodeFaresOnly attribute of AirPricingModifiers is set to 'true', the response is restricted to fares associated to the account and/or contract code specified in the request and only fares that apply to the specified account codes are returned. If this attribute is set to 'false', the response may be relaxed to include other fare types.

    Note: An account code and a contract code can be submitted in the same request.

  4. A redistributed fare can be added at the Air Booking level (i.e., the Fare level) when you create an Air Booking by sending the provider agency's Pseudo City Code (PCC) in PointOfSale @PseudoCityCode in AirCreateReservationReq/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers.

  5. The response indicates the fare status of each air pricing response in AirCreateReservationRsp/AirReservation/AirPricingInfo/FareInfo.

    • In FareInfo, @PrivateFare returns:

      • True = The corresponding fare quote is a private fare.
      • False = The corresponding fare quote is not a private fare (i.e., it is a public f Fare).
    • If the fare quote is a private fare, FareInfo @PseudoCityCode indicates the Pseudo City Code (PCC). No PCC is returned if the fare quote is a public fare.

    • If the fare quote is a private fare with an account code, the code is returned in FareInfo @Code. The account code input in the request is returned in the response, regardless of whether the specific fare quote requires an account code.

    • If a Negotiated (Net or Net/Selling) fare amount is returned, FareInfo @NegotiatedFare is true. The negotiated fare amount can be used to calculate the yield. If the total net price is available, it is returned in AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/TotalNetPrice.

