Air Availability by Flight Type

A number of flight type modifiers can be added to the basic Air Availability request to narrow the search results.


Located in Air.xsd:


  1. Enter the minimum required data for the AvailabilitySearchReq.
  2. Request specific flight types using AirSearchModifiers/FlightType.
  3. Note: If any of the following attributes are also included, they have higher precedence than RequireSingleCarrier and RequireSingleCarrier is ignored:

  4. Create flight type modifiers using optional attributes of the AirSearchModifiers element. Note that some modifiers are created through a combination of attributes with specific values.
  5. Note: RequireSingleCarrier, MaxStops, and MaxConnections attributes are ignored when they are sent in the request. If MaxStops and MaxConnections are included, Universal API returns the warning message - "MaxConnections and MaxStops are not supported" in the AvailabilitySearchRsp.


A standard Air Availability response returns flight options that have been filtered for the requested parameters. If no flight type modifiers are added to a search request, the default response returns all (Any) flight types.
