Transavia Requirements

For customers that choose to use Transavia (FR) content via Universal API:

Provisioning / Credentials

No specific agency provisioning is required for access to Transavia. ACH will internally send credentials needed for Travelport to Transavia.

Itinerary / Passenger Type support

ACH Supports the following Itinerary types for Transavia:

Transavia returns the following types of flights:

Note: As of February 13, 2025, Stopover flight details (e.g., NumberOfStops="1") no longer returns in the Transavia response in AirCreateReservation and UniversalRecordRetrieve. The following xPaths are affected:

Transavia only has codeshare where they are the operating carrier, not the marketing carrier with following airlines:

Passenger Types

The following passenger types are supported by Ryanair:

Passenger Type PTC Maximum Allowed Age Restrictions Combination Rules


9 12 - 150 years DOB and Gender required


CHD 8 2 - 11 years Child DOB and gender is required


INF 9 0 - 24 months Cannot exceed the number of adults

Window Shopping

Transavia supports window shopping (search widening).

Country/Airport Restrictions

Transavia enforces certain agreements with other countries regarding trips to and from that country on Transavia flights. Currently, these agreements prohibit one way flights to/from the affected countries. ACH will still allow one way shop requests, and will return a warning in the shop response including affected itineraries. The routes affected by this are as follows:

From To Rule Exceptions
Anywhere Egypt No one way trips allowed  
Anywhere Tunisia No one way trips allowed  
Anywhere Turkey No one way trips allowed European side of Turkey (i.e. SAW, etc.)
Egypt Anywhere No one way trips allowed  
Tunisia Anywhere No one way trips allowed  
Turkey Anywhere No one way trips allowed European side of Turkey (i.e. SAW, etc.)

Cabins, Fares, and Fare Families

Transavia returns the lowest fare and a single fare family for each option is returned by ACH.


Transavia operates flights with the following cabins:

Fare Families

Transavia and ACH supports the following fare families:





Fares Returned

Note: Transavia does not support fare cancellations and refunds are not permitted through ACH. Transavia returns the fare rules in the API.

RBD (Reservations/Booking Designator) Mapping

ACH maps different fare-families to a standard set of RBDs (X, S, Y) to uniquely represent each of the fare products:

To achieve this, the carrier's actual RBD is changed to an RBD from a standard set of RBDs (X or S or Y) in all ACH requests/responses (see mapping rules below).

The carrier's actual RBD is not seen in the ACH request/response but seen only mapped RBD (X or S or Y) in the ACH request/response.

Note: The Carrier's actual RBD is stored in session data by ACH for it's reference.

Taxes and Fees

Note: Transavia has discontinued the Service/Booking Fee (BKIN) for all its channels, including the Transavia API.

Private / Negotiated / Corporate Fares

Transavia do not have any corporate or agent specific fares at present.

Passenger and Contact Details

Passenger Details

ACH Transavia adapter supports the Standard ACH Passenger Name Prefixes. Effective February 13, 2025, the name prefix (@Prefix) information is not be returned in the SOAP XML API response for AirCreateReservationRsp and UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp. See DA-1052 for further details.

Passenger Title Usual Translation (if not supported by the carrier)










Contact Details

The Transavia API requires the following contact information:

Transavia system has a limitation on the state / province information, in that it limits that field to three characters only. For any address field sent into ACH, if the //Address/StateProv element is set, ACH will:

  1. First look at the //Address/StateProv/@StateCode, and if present pick that as the possible state information.
  2. If the //Address/StateProv/@StateCode is not set and //Address/StateProv/text() field is set, use that as the possible state information.
  3. If the possible state value is longer than 3 characters, truncate it to 3 characters before sending it to the carrier.

Required Passenger Information

Transavia does not supports collecting Secure Flight and APIS information through the API. However they require Gender and DOB, so ACH collects them using the standard ACH APIS Data Specification.

Frequent Flyer Support

Transavia joined the frequent flyer program of KLM-Air France called Flying Blue. Though limited, Flying Blue is also part of the Branded Fares, as points can be earned with the Branded Fares “Plus” and “Max”.

The following codes are supported for the Vendor Code: AF, A5, HV, KL, TO, SB, UX, KQ, CE, RO.


ACH and Transavia will not return any error if one gives incorrect vendor-code like 'SB' for a frequent-flyer number actually meant for KL. But in this scenario, even though Transavia/ACH accepts the frequent-flyer information, it will not apply any reward points to the traveler.

If VendorCode is used outside of the supported VendorCode list (AF, A5, HV, KL, TO, SB, UX, KQ, CE, RO) in the ACH Book request, then the frequent-flyer information will not come back in ACH Book response and will get dropped silently (i.e. no error/warning).

Errors return in ACH Book/Price response for following scenarios:

For all the above error scenarios one will get below error message in ACH Price/Book response,

<Error RecordID="NNSHV:ACH Transavia Adapter" Type="928" ShortText="CheckNameAccountFuntionalError;FlyingBlue_API;This is an operation implementation generated fault">Customer Loyalty information provided is invalid or cannot be matched with the Traveler</Error>

ACH drops Frequent flyer information from ACH Price Request, and does not send that to Transavia, if there is no name present in ACH Price request. This is because Transavia validates the name against the Frequent Flyer number and returns an error if no name is passed.

Currency and Fulfillment Support

Currency Support

Transavia supports EUR currency only.

Fulfillment Support

Supported Forms of payment: Credit / Debit Cards

Credit / Debit Card Payments

The following cards are supported:


Card Code Card Name CVV/CID


American Express Yes


Visa Yes





Visa Electron Debit Yes
TP Universal Air Travel Card


NOTE: Only applicable for EUR currency

Note: Use of Universal Air Travel Plan corporate card is under development by HV.

Payment Required Fields

No Billing address is required for the credit cards. The required fields are:

Optional Services and Fees

Optional Services

Transavia supports the Optional Services listed below.


ACH Code ATPCO Option Code Mapping

Option Type


Vendor Option Code

Secondary Code Required

Secondary Code


Application Limits

PET PTPH AdditionalOption Pet in Hold AVIH Yes AVIH PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
PET PTPC AdditionalOption Pet in Cabin PETC Yes PETC PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD


Following are the baggage rules imposed by Transavia that will be applied by ACH:

Bag Tables

ACH Code ATPCO Option Code Mapping

Option Type


Vendor Option Code

Secondary Code Required

Secondary Code


Application Limits

BAGW BGPP15 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 15 KG 5B15 Yes 5B15 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
BAGW BGPP20 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 20 KG 5B20 Yes 5B20 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
BAGW BGPP25 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 25 KG 5B25 Yes 5B25 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
BAGW BGPP30 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 30 KG 5B30 Yes 5B30 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
BAGW BGPP40 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 40 KG 5B40 Yes 5B40 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD
BAGW BGPP50 AdditionalOption Prepaid check-in baggage up to 5 pieces, totaling 50 KG 5B50 Yes 5B50 PassengerOD 1 per passengerOD

Current baggage charges for different branded fares:

Code Basic




€ 15 € 15 € 15


€ 20 € 0 € 20


€ 25 € 5 € 25


€ 35 € 15 € 0


€ 45 € 25 € 10


€ 75 € 55 € 40

Note: Above baggage charges are only indicative and are subject to change by the carrier.

Sports Equipment

ACH Code ATPCO Option Code Mapping

Option Type


Vendor Option Code

Secondary Code Required

Secondary Code


Application Limits

SPEQ BGSPBI AdditionalOption Bike BIKE Yes BIKE PassengerOD 3 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPHG AdditionalOption Hangglider DELT Yes DELT PassengerOD 3 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPSE AdditionalOption Diving Equipment DIVE Yes DIVE PassengerOD 3 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPFI AdditionalOption Fish Equipment FISH Yes FISH PassengerOD 3 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPGF AdditionalOption Golf Equipment GOLF Yes GOLF PassengerOD 2 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPSK AdditionalOption Wintersport Equipment SKIS Yes SKIS PassengerOD 2 per passengerOD
SPEQ BGSPSF AdditionalOption Surfboard and all others SURF Yes SURF PassengerOD 3 per passengerOD


HV offers following seat brands with different pricing

ACH Code ATPCO Option Code Mapping

Option Type


Vendor Option Code

Secondary Code Required

Secondary Code


Application Limits

SEAT SA_PR Additional Option Extra legroom 1 Yes 1 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment
SEAT SA_X0Z1 Additional Option Standard legroom 2 Yes 2 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment

Seats Types

Note: Transavia may have restricted seats returned for all of their flights. These are returned in the ACH seat map response with a seat availability of 3.SAV and OptionCode as SA. These seats can only be purchased via the Transavia call center, and not through ACH.

ACH Code ATPCO Option Code Mapping

Option Type


Vendor Option Code

Secondary Code Required

Secondary Code


Application Limits

SEAT SA Additional Option Standard legroom 15 Yes 15 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment
SEAT SA_PRX0Z1 Additional Option Front Seat 30 Yes 30 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment
SEAT SA_PRX0Z3 Additional Option Extra legroom 45 Yes 45 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment
SEAT SABH Additional Option First row 60 Yes 60 Passenger Segment 1 per passenger segment


Business Rules for assigning seats

  1. Assign Seat is not applicable if passengers have booked specific SSRs. If at least one passenger in the booking has one of the following SSRs on one of the segments, it is not allowed to assign seats:
    • WCHS = Wheelchair (steps)
    • PETC = Pet in Cabin
  2. Passengers with infant on lap: A passenger with an infant on the lap is only allowed to assign seats with the INFANT property.
  3. Passengers on exit row: Not all passengers are allowed to assign a seat on an exit row. For the following passengers it is not allowed to assign a seat on an exit row:
    • PAP INF on LAP (PAX type = ADT & SSR = INF) - To a passenger with Infant
    • CHILD (PAX type = CHD)
    • Contains SSR: WCHR (wheelchair ramp) or WCHS (wheelchair steps)
      • The specific restricted SSRs: WCHS and PETC
      • Even if one of the passenger in the PNR has exit-row seat then none of the passenger in that PNR can book WCHR SSR
  4. Passengers booked with 'Plus fare' can choose any standard seat for a fee of ‘0’ EUR (as long as not sold out).
  5. Passengers booked with 'Max fare' can choose any seat (standard or XL) for a fee of ‘0’ EUR (as long as not sold out).
    • Passengers booked under 'Plus' fare with standard seat can upsell to XL seat only during the initial booking flow. Only the fee difference will be charged

Non Chargable SSRs - Special Service Requests

The following SSR codes are used in HV:

SSR Code Description


Assistance required to/from boarding gate


Assistance through apt and up/down steps (PRM SEAT)

ACH does not return any error if an agent tries to assign both WCHS and WCHR SSRs to a passenger.

Notes: Transavia and ACH do not prevent assigning both WCHS and WCHR SSRs to a passenger, but ideally an agent or a traveler will not request both WCHS and WCHR for a passenger. WCHS covers all the facilities which are covered by WCHR:

ACH Services

For ACH Services supported for Transavia, Transavia is a sessioned carrier and does time out sessions after a specified time limit. The published timeout for one session is valid for rolling 18 minutes. However this is a value controlled by the carrier and the exact timeout may vary between environments and also subject to change by the carrier without notice. A session is initiated with a shop or retrieve.

Transavia Enhancements

The following enhancements have been planned and / or delivered since Transavia was launched in ACH:

Transavia Modifications

Transavia supports the following modifications:

Unsupported Modifications