Default Sort Order

The default sort order controls the order of availability at various levels of the hierarchy. A standard default sort order is provided of low-to-high or availability order. A customer is more likely to use Default Sort Order if they utilize the ranking and emphasis within the account the traveler profiles.

When a default sort order is selected, options that meet the selected sort order display at the top of the results screen. For example, if the administrator selects Emphasis as the sort order for Air Availability, then all vendors in the results that match the air preferences listed in the profile will display at the top of the results screen with the row emphasized. If multiple matches occur, the results are displayed in the order that they are returned from the host. If Net Fares is selected as the sort order for Air Shop, then all results with net fares display at the top of the results screen.

To modify the default sort order,

  1. Select the Agency Configuration menu, then select Default Sort Order.

  2. Click the change link from the sort order tab.

  3. Select a profile level to update. Sort Order can be set for the entire agency, an account, or a branch. Click the Open button.

  4. Modify the default sort order as needed. 

  5. Click Save to update the change. 


  • If the agent is working in a workflow associated to an Account profile, then default will be to use the Account sort order.

  • If the agent is working in a workflow associated to a Branch profile, then default will be to use the Branch sort order.

  • If there is no Branch sort order, then default to the Agency sort order.

  • If there is no Agency sort order, then default to the default order from the host.

For additional information, see Ask Travelport Answer ID 28324 - How do I modify the Default Sort Order for the Universal Desktop availability search results.