Creating a Data Elements Diagram using SQL Server
The SQL server can be used to create a Travelport Booking Feed data element diagram, which can then be used to determine child associations and table dependencies within the TBF database.
To create a diagram of TBF data elements described in the Data Definitions document:
1. Access the Sequel Server Enterprise Manager.
2. Navigate to the following location by clicking the + icon to expand each server or folder:
Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers\SQL Server Group\
3. Continue to open subsequent folders until you reach the folder named Databases.
4. Expand the Databases to display the TBF database.
5. Expand the TBF folder.
6. Right-click on Diagrams and select New Diagram. The Welcome to the Create Database Diagram Wizard screen is displayed.
7. Click Next to continue. The Create Database Diagram Wizard screen is displayed.
8. On the Create Database Diagram Wizard screen, make the following changes:
a. Select the Add related tables automatically option.
b. Change the number of related tables to 10.
c. Click the Add button. Your screen should look like the following:
9. Click Next to continue. The Completing the Create Database Diagram Wizard screen is displayed.
10. Click Finish to continue.
11. A prompt is displayed, stating you have chosen 33 tables (in this example). Click OK to continue.
12. The diagram is created and the new diagram screen displays.
13. Click anywhere on the screen and press CTRL A to select the entire diagram.
14. Click Show on the toolbar. A list of display categories (Standard, Column Names, Keys, Name Only, Custom) displays in the lower right-hand section of your screen.
15. Click Standard. The following screen is displayed:
16. The next step is to arrange the diagram. Click the Arrange Tables ( ) icon on the toolbar.
17. Save your diagram by clicking the Save icon on the toolbar.