Travelport Booking Feed Overview

Travelport Booking Feed is a Travelport proprietary data source that collects both pre- and post-ticketing data from the Apollo™ and Galileo™ Global Distribution Systems (GDS). This data enables travel-related businesses to meet the growing needs of their customers.


The nature of travel-related businesses has undergone a radical change. The role of the travel agency has moved forward from merely being a reservations service to a business management consultant. Corporations require their business management consultants to provide meaningful and accurate information in a timely manner.

With Travelport Booking Feed, travel business managers have the ability to extensively analyze travel patterns and travel policy compliance, as well as assist in vendor negotiations, business operations and budgeting. Travelport Booking Feed also supplies customers with factual management guidance by providing cost containment based on database management.

The power of Travelport Booking Feed allows the ability to gain strategic, operational, and tactical views of a business, as well as help agencies to win and maintain corporate accounts by providing them with relevant travel reports. Agencies, corporations, and third-party developers can create in-house ad hoc reports to help run their business.


Travelport Booking Feed:

  • Provides the ability to streamline robotic activity.
  • Eliminates excessive transactions.
  • Provides reliable data to monitor reservation compliance with travel policy immediately after booking, not after the trip.
  • Offers a revenue-generating product for agencies as it increases their service product line. This increase allows agencies to move to a travel management role with their existing corporate customers and thus strengthen the agency’s overall value.
  • Allows agencies and corporations to monitor sales of preferred vendors as well as create sales forecasts and market share reports.
  • Provides corporations that use Travelport Booking Feed with greater access to travel data to assist in vendor negotiations, travel policy compliance, and travel budgeting.