Agency, business, personal profiles

Agency, business, and personal profiles comprise the three levels of profiles in Travelport+. Each profile level can have a maximum of 200 lines. This is a hierarchal system: business profiles are sub-profiles of the agency file and personal profiles are sub-profiles of a business file.

Agency file

The agency file contains information pertinent to your travel agency. There is one agency file for each pseudo city code and Travelport creates it. The agency file may include agency policies and procedures for common tasks, such as ticketing and accepted forms of payment which can be added by someone at the agency. When Travelport creates the agency file, the agency’s phone number is the sole addition. Adding the agency phone allows it to move to the first phone field in the PNR/booking file.

Business file

A business file contains information pertinent to your corporate accounts. Each corporate account may have its own profile. Business profiles usually contain a business phone number and related information, such as the form of payment and any applicable discounts, preferences for car and/or hotel bookings.

It is not a rule that business files are strictly for business information storage. Some leisure agencies create business-level profiles for each agent. Personal profiles can then be created for the agent’s respective customers.

Personal file

A personal file contains information specific to individual travelers. Personal profiles usually contain the customer’s name, phone number, address, preferred form of payment, frequent flyer numbers, discount numbers, passport, APIS information and meal and seating preferences.

Next lesson: Profiles manager