
Timetable service provides the ability to identify flight schedules by the day of the week. Requests can be submitted for the timetable for a specific flight or for a general timetable. In addition to returning non-stop and direct flights, connections can also be included. You can display a 28-day timetable with a list of direct flights with the days/time of the week that they operate.

  • General Timetable to return a general timetable of flight schedules by the day of the week.

  • Specific Timetable to return schedules that meet specific criteria.





Convert displayed Availability to Timetable display.


Show all direct possibilities from today for 28 days.


Same as above, plus connections via SIN


Show from a specific date, pair city for a period of 28 days.


Show from a specific date, pair city and carrier for a period of 28 days.


Timetable from specific airport only of a multi-airport city.

Enter TT followed by a date and route. If a date is not entered, Travelport+ will respond with the timetable for the next 28 days. An optional carrier may be added to the format.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Displaying flight information using timetables

Modifiers can also be added, such as dates, date ranges, carriers, connections, and days of operation.

Note: Flight timetable is not supported for Direct Payment Carriers.

To display flight information for a specific flight for 12 January, enter TT followed by the airline code, and the flight number.

Example: TTIB6251/12JUL

The following table lists frequently used flight information formats.

To request flight information

Use this format

For a specific date TTDL325/24NOV
From line 2 of availability TTL2
From booked segment 3 TTB3

Next lesson: Display the booking file