involuntary exchanges

Involuntary Exchanges with ETR Revalidation

Involuntary exchanges can be used to reissue tickets for even exchanges, such as schedule changes and involuntary re-routing.

There are two processes for completing involuntary ticket exchanges, depending on whether the ticket is issued by a carrier that supports E-Ticket (ETR) Revalidation:

To reissue tickets for an involuntary exchange with ETR Revalidation:
  1. Modify a PNR with ticketed air segments.
  2. Reprice (4P) to confirm that the new fare is the same amount as the old fare.
  3. Open a PNR with ticketed air segments.
  4. Use one of the following options to open the Ticket Exchange Plus script:
  • From the Fares & Pricing menu, select Involuntary Exchange.
  • Enter the #EXI Quick Key on the Smart Screen. Or, click the Quick Key icon to select #EXI from the Quick Keys list.

The Involuntary Exchange script determines that the carrier supports ETR Revalidation. The ETR Revalidation screen of the Display Ticket script is displayed.

The following information is pre-populated from the PNR:

  • The segments for the coupon that is being revalidated.
  • Not Valid Before (NVB) and Not Valid After (NVA) dates.
  • For multi-passenger PNRs, a check box is selected to revalidate all passengers at the same time.
  1. Confirm the segments and dates, then click CONTINUE to display the confirmation message.