OB Fees (Carrier Ticketing Fees)


Also known as:

  • Carrier Ticketing Fees
  • Off Ticket Fees
  • Other Booking Fees


OB Fees are defined by IATA as the industry standard for ticketing and for the application of form of payment fees, including credit card fees. "O" indicates fees "Off Ticket" fees, which are not shown on the ticket. The OB Fee is reported as tax code OB by IATA assignment.

OB Fees are used by airlines to instruct pricing systems how to collect fees on an airline's behalf when they are the validating/plating carrier. OB Fees can only be imposed and/or collected by this carrier. These fees are used by the airline to cover the costs of accepting payment by credit card or other form of payment.

There are two types of OB Fees:

  • OB-T: Ticketing Fees.
  • OB-F: FOP (Form of Payment) Fees. Also known as Credit Card Fees.

See KB0024108 in the Travelport Knowledge Base for more information.

Displaying Fares with OB Fees

By default, all OB Fees are returned if they are applicable to the fare or were not excluded in the request. To return OB Fees, Smartpoint must have access to:

  • A Form of Payment (FOP). The FOP can be added to either:
  • The PNR/Booking File using F. or the Payment tab of the Customer Information window.
  • The fare quote or fare shopping request using FP and the first 6 digits of the credit/debit card number. For example a Fare Shopping request with an FOP: FSMCI22JANATL28JANMCI+FP123456.

Note: Currently, only credit cards and debit cards return in OB Fee information.

  • The plating carrier for the ticket.

If applicable to the agency and fare, OB Fees are returned in the results for several transactions on Galileo.

Supported Transactions


Worldspan Format Fill-In Format or Display Item OB Fees Display

Fare Shopping


Flight Shopping

  • For Network (GDS) Carriers, applicable OB Fees are displayed in the Fare Details in the Fare Shopping results. These additional fees are added to the fare total.
  • OB-F Fees are displayed in CC FEES-XX, where XX is the code of the plating carrier.
  • OB-T Fees are displayed in OTHER FEES-XX, where XX is the code of the plating carrier.
  • For Direct Payment Carriers, both OB Fees and non-OB Fees are displayed as additional fees and a disclaimer is displayed: ADDITIONAL FEES MAY APPLY. These fees are not included in the fare total.

Branded Fares


If present, OB Fees are displayed as a separate subtotal item in the Branded Fares screen for Fare Shopping.

Fare Pricing

4P, 4P*


Fare Pricing responses display OB Fees as a line item: **FEE TOTAL. These fees are included in the grand total.