Fare Shopping

Search Options

Fare Shopping provides access to the wealth of Travelport 360 Fares and searches for low fares and available flights in the same request.

There are several ways to request Fare Shopping searches depending on your preferences and search requirements. Note that availability of various types of Fare Shopping depends on activation for your agency.

Type of Fare Shopping


Power Shopper

Searches for low fare alternatives for unbooked itineraries. Power Shopping returns both Network (GDS) and Direct Payment Carrier options, which is known as Aggregated Shopping.

Power Shopper is supported for one-way and round-trip journeys. A maximum of either three or six city or airport codes can be specified in the entry to form longer itineraries.

Flex Shopping

Returns the lowest prices for unbooked itineraries for one of three search options:

  • Flex Days or Weekends returns either:
  • Flights within one, two, or three days before and after the requested departure an return dates.
  • Weekend dates within a target month. Departure dates can be requested for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Return dates can be requested for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
  • Flex Airports allows alternate origin and/or destination airports to be added for one-way and simple round-trip itineraries. Either a total of three airports or a total of six airports can be specified, depending on your agency's configuration.
  • Flex Origins and Destinations allows alternate origin and/or destination airports to be included in the shopping transaction. Flex Origins and Destinations is supported for one-way and simple round-trip itineraries.

Power Pricing

Prices booked itineraries at the lowest available fare, and searches schedules and fares to find the lowest priced alternative itineraries.