Smart Buttons

Creating and Using Triggers

The Triggers feature in Smart Buttons is designed trigger the launch of certain scripts based on agent’s actions in Smartpoint.

Triggers are controlled by trigger rules that define:

  • The agent action that launches the use of a button.

  • The launch of a specific button that is triggered.

  • If the button is launched before or after completion of the agent’s action (the trigger).

  • If the button is triggered before agent’s action is performed, what happens to the original agent action after the button is finished running.

  • If the agent clicks Cancel on the triggered button, what happens to the original agent action.

Example for Using Triggers

Task: An agent must place email addresses in the MT field (Email To) of the PNR/Booking File before ticketing.

Solution with Smart Buttons:

  • An MT Smart Button is configured to check a PNR/Booking for an existing MT field. If there is no MT field:

    • An alert displays for the agent to add the e-mail address of passengers.

    • The button places the e-mail address in the MT field of the PNR/Booking File.

  • The MT button is configured to trigger when an agent enters any terminal command that begins with TKP.

  • The MT button is triggered to run before the TKP entry is performed in Smartpoint. The TKP entry is put on hold while the MT button script is running.

  • After an agent enters the e-mail address and clicks the Submit button, the Smart Button runs the MT entry with an e-mail address.

  • The original TKP entry (that was put on hold when the MT button was triggered) is released from hold and sent to host to perform the ticketing entry.

In the trigger settings, the following configuration creates this trigger:

In this example, the MT button is triggered when an agent enters any terminal command that starts with TKP.

  • The MT button is launched before the TKP action is performed.

  • After the button script is finished running, the original entry is sent to Smartpoint (host), so the original action is performed.

  • When the MT button is triggered, and an agent clicks Cancel, the TKP action is not performed.