Smart Buttons

Online Learning

Online training and demonstrations for working Smart Buttons are available in the Course Catalog in MyTravelport. Information about webinars and classes are also available through the Course Catalog.

Tip! Be sure to log in with your MyTravelport user name, password, and multi-factor authentication code (MFA).


An interactive overview of key tasks and features for Trip Quote for Travelport+ (1G) is available in the Course Catalog in MyTravelport at:

Learning > Course catalogTravelport+ > Smart Buttons:

  • Introduction to Smart Buttons

    • Smart Buttons Introduction

    • Smart Buttons Customization

  • Create a sign-on using Smart Buttons

  • Smart Buttons library

    Please Note: Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with Smartpoint. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.
    • Smart Buttons MCOs (ARC only)

    • Smart Buttons MCO Exchange (ARC only)

    • Smart Buttons Service Fees

    • Smart Buttons Back Office Formats

    • Smart Buttons Remarks

    • Smart Buttons Voids

    • Smart Buttons Show My Client ID

    • Smart Buttons Printer Devices

    • Smart Buttons Queue Options