Travelport Smart Buttons Library

Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with Smartpoint 11.0 and later. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.


Smart buttons

Travelport Smart Buttons Library

The Travelport Smart Buttons Library is a collection of pre-configured buttons made available by Travelport to assist with common tasks and business processes.

You can also use these buttons as templates to modify these scripts to create new Smart Buttons that are customized to your agency's workflow.

Please Note:
Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with the Smartpoint installation. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.
These buttons were originally created for agencies that use ARC settlement (United States and associated territories). However, with the exception of buttons indicated as ARC only, the buttons in this library are also available in all regions for agencies that use BSP.
To access the Travelport Smart Buttons Library:
  1. Click the Smart Buttons  icon to open your Smart Buttons Library.

  2. If present, click SmartButton Library to display the SmartButton Library screen.

    Note: Depending on how your buttons are configured, individual Travelport Library buttons may also be displayed separately in your buttons list.

    Note: The buttons available in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library will vary depending which buttons were requested by your agency.



    Client ID Quickly displays the Client ID.
    Printer (HMLD) Devices Updates the status on printer devices in one entry.
    Remarks Enters associated remarks from a pre-existing list.
    MCO ARC only. Creates an MCO for either residual or down payment.
    MCO Exchange ARC only. If a PNR/Booking File contains the stored MCO data, the agent is prompted to enter the MCO number to use during the exchange.
    Service Fee Displays the Service Fee input window.
    Back Office Displays back-office applications.
    Queue Options Uses different queue format options.
    Void Voids any type of ticket.