Trip Quote (Smartpoint 10.0 and Later)

Setting Email Preferences

You can set up your email account for Trip Quote, and set standard preferences for creating and sending emails with quotes, itineraries, and flight schedules. You also have the option to modify these preferences for an individual email.

To set email preferences:
  1. Open the Trip Quote basket.
  2. Click the Templates and Settings tab.
  3. Click the Email arrow.
  1. Set your default email option:
  2. Select SMTP if you need to set up your agency's email information.
  1. If Outlook is available, you can select Microsoft Outlook to automatically use your system's current Outlook settings. Emails will display in your existing Outlook Sent box.
  2. Optional. In CC email addresses, you can include additional addresses to automatically receive the email. Multiple addresses are separated by semi-colons. For example:;;

  1. Optional. In Additional CC email addresses, you can include more addresses separated by semi-colons.
  2. Click Save.