Trip Quote (Smartpoint 10.0 and Later)
Adding Fees for Unbooked Flight Options
You can add fare mark-ups, mark-downs, or other fees to flight options from unbooked flight options. You can add fees to either a single option, or add the same fees to multiple options at the same time.
Car and hotel fees can be added directly on Quote tab, but air fees require a separate screen.
To add fees:
- From the Quote tab, click the Edit
icon for a flight option:
The Fees window is displayed.
- Optional. If the itinerary contains more than one Flight Option, select the Flight Options to apply to these fees.
- Enter the desired fee information. For air mark-up, air mark-down, and other air fees, you can set a fixed or percentage amount, set the fare component to associate to the amount, and edit the title of the fee in Shown broken out as.
In this example:
- Fees apply to Flight Options 1, 3, and 4.
- A fixed mark-down of GBP 50.00 is added to the base fare.
- A 3 percent fee is added to the total tax as City Tourism Tax.
More Information on OB Fees
OB Fees (Carrier Ticket Fees) are displayed in Smartpoint 8.2 and later for applicable Travelport+ (1G) fares. Because the fee is automatically calculated, you cannot change the fee amount, title, or associated fare component. See OB Fees for more information about how these fees are displayed in Trip Quote flight options for different versions of Smartpoint.
- Click APPLY to redisplay the Quote tab with the Flight Option list with updated fees. Flight Options with associated fees display a blue Edit
Note: The price does not does not change for the flight options, but the new prices are displayed in the updated itinerary.
- In Reservation Information, select Price and Price details.
- Click REFRESH to display the fare with the associated fee information. The fee information displays in different locations in the quote depending on your selected theme.