Customer information

Contact Information

You can add required and optional contact information for your PNR/Booking File in the Contact tab of the Customer Information screen.

Required fields are noted with a red asterisk(*)

To add contact information to the PNR/Booking File:
  1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Contact tab to display the Contact screen.

  2. In the Phone section, click the Add icon to display Phone fields for the primary traveler's telephone number. For some PNRs/Booking Files, the Primary Contact number may be an agency number.

  3. Click the Phone Type arrow to select from the phone type for this phone number.

  4. In City Code, enter or scroll for the city code associated to the phone number.

  5. In Number, enter the telephone number.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Optional. Click the Add icon to enter additional phone numbers for the PNR/Booking File, such as the agency phone number, hotel numbers, or fax numbers.

  8. Optional. In the Email section, click the Add icon to display the fields for an email address.

  9. Click the Email Type arrow to select To or From.

  10. In Email, enter the email address.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. Optional. Click the Add icon to enter additional email addresses for the PNR/Booking File.

  13. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

More Information

For more information, equivalent terminal formats, and examples:

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)