Assisted Ticketing
Voluntary Changes: Exchanging Tickets (BSP)
This option saves exchange details, such as ticket modifier updates, and also reissues the ticket for exchange.
There are several workflows to exchange tickets, depending on the payment type for fees, taxes, and refunds:
Exchange tickets with add collect, which includes instructions for exchanging tickets with both tax and EMD forms of payment for Airline Change Fees and Change Fee Taxes.
Exchange tickets with the change fee collected as an EMD with a refundable balance.
Exchange tickets with the change fee collected as tax with a refundable balance.
In Smartpoint 11.0 and later, support is available for IT/BT (Inclusive Tour/Bulk Tour) fares to:
Update modifiers or exchange tickets for fares with add collect.
Update modifiers or exchange tickets for fares with a refundable balance.
The Assisted Ticketing - Voluntary Change feature does not provide any guarantee against ADMs: