Fare quote as booked


After you sell the flights, you need to price the itinerary. The term is fare quote and the function identifier to price an itinerary is FQ.

This quotes the lowest applicable fare in the class of service booked.

Example itinerary:

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Enter FQ

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The fare, total taxes, and fare total are displayed individually.

Select the VIEW link to display other brand options.

For more details, refer to View all brand options from the view link in this module.

Display rules from fare quote

You can display rules from fare quote in a terminal window using the same flow as in Smartpoint Desktop.

  1. Enter FQ to fare quote.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the fare quote and select Display Rules.

  3. From the display rules, you can view:

    • Fare rules summary by selecting the Fare number.

    • Penalty information by selecting a component.

    • Fare rules by selecting a fare basis.

The fare quote is automatically added to the booking file, provided there are names present. The fare can be found by pressing *FF (filed fare) or typing the entry.

Additional fees, e.g., credit card, may apply:

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The carrier may offer additional services, such as seats or bags:

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The cost and baggage allowance for each segment is displayed. In this example, for travel between Paris to Dubai, there is no free baggage allowance. The passenger can pay 85 EUR for the first bag and 100 EUR for the second bag.

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Note: Any regions that do not use automatic plating carrier logic will receive the response “UNABLE TO FILE - NEED PLATING CARRIER” in the last line of the fare quote. It is necessary to add /CXX at the end (where XX is the plating carrier). For example, enter FQCBA.

Next lesson: Fare Quote Best Buy (FQBB)