Phone field


Every booking file you create must include your agency phone number and likely a phone number for your customer. A phone field includes a type and a city code. Always add your agency phone number first, because the first three phone fields are sent to the boarding airline.

The following are the formats to add phone fields in the terminal window: 



P.LONT*01675 7644242 AYR TVL

Add London travel agency number and agency name

P.ROMT*808 422-3160-OLGA

Add Rome travel agency number with agent's reference.

P.MIAB*0793 888184

Add business number

P.KULM*03 21196100 MARISSE

Add mobile number with traveler name.

P.LONA*0208-372-9878 X372

Add accommodation/hotel number with extension number.

To save time, you can pre-store your agency phone number, city location, and type of contact in your agency file, identified by your pseudo city code. Smartpoint Cloud moves, per your request, your pre-stored phone number into the booking file.

To display your agency file enter: C*

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

The agency phone field should be shown on line 1, followed by any other information added by your agency.

The function identifier to move your agency file to a booking file is: CM/

To add your own name or initials to the end of the phone field enter: CM/+*DEMI

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Change/delete the phone field

You may modify or delete phone fields. Here are the formats to do so:



P.@LONT*0208 365-5345

Change the only phone item to the travel agency number 0208 365 5345.

P.3@PARH*1234 56 68 90

Change third phone item to the home number 1234 56 78 90.


Delete the only phone contact item.


Delete fourth phone item.


Delete phone fields 1 through 3 and 5

Next lesson: Ticketing field