TINS report

MyTravelport search: Ticketing Report (HMPR) - Overview and functionalities

The TINS report displays a list of transactions for today and is updated automatically as each ticket is issued, with details of the passenger name, fare, total taxes, commission, and form of payment.

It is more commonly referred to as the Payment Report or Daily Activity Report and is forwarded to BSP electronically overnight. It is useful to view it when you need to know details of tickets issued in your office.

To display the TINS report, enter: HMPR

The TINS report provides system-generated ticket numbers. It will also show any tickets that have been voided.

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

TINS records may be displayed for up to 365 days. It is also possible to view TINS for refunded tickets only.

To view payment report for

Use this format

A specific date


Refunds (date range must be included in the entry, even when displaying a single day)


Domestic flights only


International flights only


Next lesson: Void tickets