Types of queues


Knowledge base search: Travelport+ Formats Guide for Queues

Travelport+ assigns each pseudo city 100 queues, numbered 0 to 99. Twenty-six of them are programmatic queues and booking files are placed on these queues automatically. They usually contain items such as flight confirmations, waitlist clearances, and schedule changes. The other 74 non-programmatic queues can be customized for your office’s needs.

Categories and date ranges allow for more PNR/booking file storage areas. They make it easier to verify and process the work. Queues are activated by default. They are useful for organizing the queue panel and sorting booking files and their information. Categories are subdivisions of queues and cannot exist without them. You can add up to 100 categories to a single queue.

Each category may be further divided into four date ranges to permit more filing space.

All categories and date ranges associated with a queue are deactivated when the queue is deactivated. The queue must not contain any booking files. When a category is deactivated, the associated date ranges are also deactivated.

You name each category using the letter C plus two alpha or numeric characters.

Additionally, there are four queues used to receive or count booking file messages. These special queues are identified by title instead of by number.

Next lesson: Programmatic queues