Programmatic queues

Programmatic queues hold messages sent by airlines, as well as those by car, train, cruise, hotel, and leisure travel companies about changes you need to make to booking files.

The following table lists most available programmatic queues, their associated numbers, and the types of booking files they contain.

Queue name/number:

Contains booking files with:

Queue 0 - Urgent (URG)

Requiring urgent action (within 24 hours)

Queue 1 - General (GEN)

If no queue number is specified, a booking file placed on queue will automatically fall onto the general queue.

Queue 1 Category PD - Past Date Quick default

Past date bookings for subsequent retrieval

Queue 2 - Seat confirmation

Replies to seat requests

Queue 9 - Ticket arrangement (TAW)

Ticket review dates

Queue 10 - Ticket arrangement (TAU)

Ticket review dates

Queue 11 – Fares and NDC schedule changes

NDC booking files to which the airline returned new pricing or segment(s) with time change(s)

Queue 12 - Review booking

Booking files that contain a Review Booking field (default)

Queue 16 - Vendor remarks

Booking files that contain vendor remarks from airlines

Queue 17 – Waitlist

Waitlist confirmations (status KL)

Queue 18 - Urgent confirmation

Booking files with confirmation (status KK) from carriers, for travel within the next 14 days

Queue 19 - General confirmation (KK)

Booking files with confirmation (status KK) from carriers, for travel outside the next 14 days

Queue 20 - Unable (Have waitlisted)

Booking files with UU or US status

Queue 21 - Unable to confirm

Booking files with UC, UN, or NO status

Queue 22 - Time change

Time changes (TK or TL status)


Booking file with canceled air segment actioned by the airline

Queue 24 - Auxiliary service advice

Service responses from hotel and car vendors

Queue 25 - Service information advice

Replies to SSRs

Next lesson: Special queues