Display a car index

From the terminal window, you can display a car index giving a list of all car rental locations. You can display car rental locations by:

The function identifier to display a car index is CAI.

By airport code

You can display an index of all car rental locations near an airport. To display an index of airport car rental locations, enter CAI followed by the airport code.


A screenshot of a computer

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By city

You can display an index of all car rental locations in a city. To display an index of city car rental locations, enter CAI followed by the city code or city name.


The index for New York City car rental locations appears:

A screenshot of a computer

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Note:  You can also display an index by full city name.


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By reference point

To locate a specific car rental company by reference point, take the following step.

Display a reference point list using the Room Master reference point function identifier:  HOR


The reference point list for Halifax, Nova Scotia is displayed:

A screenshot of a computer

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To locate a specific car rental company for a reference point, enter CAI followed by the reference point, slash (/), and the car rental company code.


A similar name list is displayed:

A close up of a card

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Select the desired location, by tabbing to the CAI* prompt and entering the line number, e.g., CAI*2

The list of ZI locations in Dartmouth appears:

A screenshot of a computer

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Redisplaying the last index

If you have displayed a car index and have completed another task in Smartpoint Cloud, such as selling a flight, you can redisplay the last index. Enter CAI*R to redisplay the last index.

Next lesson: Car e-Voucher