Car e-Voucher

An e-Voucher is an electronic, paperless confirmation of billing arrangements for the car rental. This is like an airline e-ticket, in which the traveler does not have a paper ticket. However, an indication of payment arrangements exists on the online record for the air segment.

Types of e-Voucher payment supported in Travelport+ (1G)

Car providers may offer three different types of e-Voucher arrangements:

  • Full Credit (FC): Full credit covers the cost of the entire rental, including any extra fees such as special equipment, upgrades, and extra days. The entire value of the rental is billed to the Travel Management Company (TMC) or corporate account.

  • Group/Day (GDA): Group/day covers the cost of the car rental for a certain number of days. This amount is billed to the TMC or corporate account. Any extra days, upgrades, or special requests will be charged to the renter at the time of drop-off.

  • Specified Value (EUR200.00): Specified value covers a fixed value amount toward the payment of the car rental. The specified value is billed to the TMC or corporate account. Charges in excess of the specified value amount are charged to the renter at the time of drop-off.


Not all car providers offer e-Voucher billing arrangements in Smartpoint Cloud. A response of EVOUCHER NOT SUPPORTED BY CAR COMPANY is returned when the provider does not offer e-Voucher billing arrangement. To find out if a car provider supports e-Vouchers in Travelport+, type C*CAR/ZE (where ZE is the car provider 2 letter vendor code)

If the car provider makes e-Voucher billing arrangements available, the agency must first contact the car provider to set up their billing arrangement and register a billing number with them.

Car providers may not accept e-Voucher billing arrangements at all locations.

Car providers may not offer all three e-Voucher types to their customers. Agencies must contact the car provider and set up billing arrangements for the type(s) of e-Vouchers offered to the agency by the provider.

Agency format e-Voucher

You can add an e-Voucher when booking via the terminal display. The field identifier for e-Voucher billing arrangement is /EVV-. The type of e-Voucher must follow the field identifier. For example:

Full credit = /EVV-FC

Group/day = /EVV-GDA

Specified value = /EVV-EUR200.00

The car provider will provide the agency with a unique billing number that must be passed to the car provider in the billing number field of the sell message.

The field identifier for billing numbers is /BN-. The billing number must follow the field identifier. For example, /BN-A146934

A response of MUST INCLUDE BN WITH EVOUCHER RQST is returned when the billing number field is missing.

Each car provider may also require other fields, such as a corporate discount number, rate code, or specific booking source, as part of the billing arrangement with the agency.

Next lesson: Car history