Display car company description and policy

In the terminal windows, you can display corporate policies and descriptions of car rental companies. You can also display individual location descriptions from an availability screen or sold car segment.

There are two types of descriptions:

  • Location describes policies and procedures that are specific to a location, such as hours of operation, car types, minimum age, and guarantee requirements.

  • Corporate describes policies specific to a car rental company, such as acceptable credit cards, promotions, and special equipment.

This section describes how to display, interpret, and use the description menus.

The function identifier to display a car description menu is CAD.

There is a standardized set of categories for each description menu. Car rental companies provide numbers and keywords to access these categories.

From availability

To display a location description menu from car availability, enter CADAn (n is the line number from the availability).

Entry: CADA1

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

From a booking file

To display a location description menu from a sold car segment, the entry is CAD, followed by the letter S and the segment number. Example entry: CADS1

To display a specific category, enter CAD/ followed by either the category number or keyword. Example entries: CAD/02 or CAD/CARS

By car rental company

Sometimes you need to look up corporate policy information for a specific car rental company. To view this type of description, you can display the car company’s corporate description menu. To display a corporate description menu, enter CAD followed by the car rental company code. Example entry: CADEP

The Europcar corporate description menu is displayed:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Note:  Although all car rental companies have a description menu, not every company includes information for each item. Therefore, you may not see every keyword listed.

Enter CAD*R to redisplay the last keyword description.

By car rental company and city

To display a specific car rental company in a specific city, enter CAD followed by the car rental company code and the city or airport code. Example entry: CADZLYWG

The location description menu for National Car Rental at Winnipeg International airport is displayed:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Next lesson: Display car index