ScriptPro Editor

This topic is for use by scriptwriters who are using ScriptPro Editor to create custom scripts for their agencies.

Agents can go to Using ScriptPro Scripts for more information about using custom or standard scripts within Travelport Smartpoint.


Label Control

Label controls are static text, fixed-length text fields that prompt for or provide information to the script user. These fields cannot be changed by the script user. This control type can be left, right, or centered within the control field when creating the dialog box.

Note: An ampersand (&) preceding a letter will cause the letter to be underlined, which allows the use of <ALT + underlined letter> to quickly shift focus to that control. Underlined letters can be used alone if the dialog box contains only buttons; otherwise, they must be used in combination with the <ALT> key. It is the responsibility of the scriptwriter to ensure each letter-sensitive control has a unique underlined letter. There is no audit to prevent duplicate use of the same letter.

Label control examples are identified in the dialog box below.

Creating a label and associated attributes

  1. Right-click anywhere in the background of the dialog box.

  2. Select Label. A new control will be added.

  3. Use the option Alignment in the Behavior section to set the location of the text.

  4. Set the ContentType in the Behavior section. Insert a file name if using an image. Refer to Images for details.

  5. Use the Layout section to adjust the location and size. Use AutoSize to automatically adjust the size of the label to match the characters entered in the Text field.

Label control example

Tip! Usually the background color of the label control should be the same as the background color of the dialog box so the justification is not noticeable to the script user.

Label controls with variables

Label can contain variables. The Text variable cannot be edited by the script user, but its value can be different every time the dialog box displays.

  • Identify the text variable as left, right, or center justified when defining control characteristics.

  • Use the option Alignment in the Behavior section to set the location of the text.

Text variable controls example

The following example shows a dialog box in the editor. The box in focus will be populated when the script runs.

The above dialog box displays as follows when running. Notice all the dates are labels that contain variables.