ScriptPro Editor

This topic is for use by scriptwriters who are using ScriptPro Editor to create custom scripts for their agencies.

Agents can go to Using ScriptPro Scripts for more information about using custom or standard scripts within Travelport Smartpoint.


Dialog Box Title Bar

When a dialog box is created by the scriptwriter, the Dialog Manager displays a blank title bar. It is recommended a unique title be added to the title bar and that the file name be either in the title bar or in the Dialog Box.

The title bar allows moving the dialog box of a running script by pressing and holding the left mouse button, then dragging the box to the new location.

Dialog Box title bar

The title is left justified in the title bar. If the length of the title bar text is greater than the width of the dialog box, the title will be truncated with a indicating there is more data.

The title is centered in the title bar. If the length of the title bar text is greater than the width of the dialog box, the title will be truncated.