Secure Flight Documentation (APIS)

Advance Passenger Information Security (APIS), also known as Secure Flight Passenger Data, provides security information to customs and immigration officials.

APIS is an industry standard and IATA requires airlines to provide this information and in APIS SSRs. There are three types of SSR codes:

  • DOCS for passport and Secure Flight information
  • DOCA for address information
  • DOCO for visa, redress number, known traveler number, or place of birth information

For more information, see KB0015453 in the Travelport Knowledge Base.

Checking for Secure Flight Information Requirements

Enter V* to check for secure flight information in a booking. If TSA SECURED FLIGHT is returned, Secure Flight information is required for travelers in the PNR.

Adding Secure Flight Information

In Smartpoint, there are two ways to enter and manage Secure Flight information:

To add Secure Flight Passenger Data in the Secure Flight Documentation screen:
  1. Confirm that a flight is added to the PNR. Secure Flight Information cannot be added to a PNR that does not contain at least one air segment.
  2. Confirm that passenger Name information was entered for each passenger in the PNR.
  3. From the INFORMATION menu, select Secure Flight Info.

The Secure Flight Documentation screen displays in the Smart Panel.

  1. In Select Item, select one or more radio buttons to complete the desired secured flight documents. For all screens, a red asterisk * indicates required information.






  • Passenger information, including name, date of birth, and gender. (Required for TSA Secure Flight information.)
  • Passports and other primary documents.



Optional TSA information and secondary documents:

  • Redress number
  • Known traveler number
  • Visa



Addresses for traveler's residence and destination.



Contact information for destination.


  1. When data for all desired SSRs is entered, click CONTINUE.

As applicable, any new DOCS and DOCA SSRs are added to the PNR/Booking File. This example shows a DOCO SSR with visa information added to the PNR.

Displaying Secure Flight Information

To display Secure Flight Information in a PNR:

Click or enter *G.

Modifying Secure Flight Passenger Data for Direct Payment Carriers

For Direct Payment Carriers that support modifications, APIS data can only be added or modified when:

  • Booking.
  • Modifying either an outbound or inbound air segment.
  • Changing passenger name information.

Exception: Easyjet allows a stand-alone modification to the PNR.

If APIS data is present in an updated PNR, Smartpoint sends or re-sends this data when a passenger name or air segment is added or modified.