
Displaying the PNR History

The PNR History provides a record of events in the PNR.

You have the option to display the PNR History in either the:

  • Enhanced Display, which provides a format that is easier to read, and allows you to view specific types of history data.
  • Standard Display, which provides a traditional text format for the history.

Displaying the Enhanced History

To display the Enhanced PNR History:

  1. Open view the PNR History screen for a PNR by either:
  • Entering the cryptic command: *H.
  • Clicking the PNR History icon in the PNR Viewer.

The PNR History screen displays. By default, the Enhanced Display of the history shows the entire history for the PNR.

  1. Optional. Click the Type of History arrow to display a list of all of the types of history data. The equivalent cryptic command for each history type is also shown.

  1. Optional. Selected a type of the history to display only that subsection of history data.

  1. Optional. Selected a type of the history to display only that subsection of history data.

Displaying the Standard History

To display the Standard PNR History:

  1. Open view the PNR History screen for a PNR by either:
  • Entering the cryptic command: *H.
  • Clicking the PNR History icon in the PNR Viewer.
  1. In the PNR History screen, select the Standard Display radio button.

Key Command Shortcuts

' Mapping to 4P

, Mapping to #

_ Mapping to -

; Mapping to $

= Mapping to *

[ Mapping to @

\ Mapping to 4PLF

] Mapping to >

{ Mapping to (

} Mapping to )

| Mapping to 4PLFB