Classic Windows

Changing the Color Scheme

In Classic Windows, including Grid View, you can change the color scheme of the window background and the text. The selected color scheme applies to all terminal windows, and optionally to the PNR Viewer window.

Tip! In Flex Windows, you change each window background to a different color.

To change the color scheme:
  1. From the APPLICATION menu, select Application Settings.

  1. Click the Classic Theme Color Scheme arrow to select the desired color scheme.

  1. Optional. Select Apply color scheme to Classic PNR Viewer if you want to also change the PNR Viewer window to the selected color scheme. If you do not select this option, the PNR Viewer remains light gray.

This option does not apply to Grid View, which does not contain a PNR Viewer.

  1. Click SAVE to display the confirmation message.
  1. Click Yes to confirm the new settings and immediately restart Smartpoint. If you click No, your changes will not display until the next time that you restart Smartpoint.