Application Settings

Setting Notepad Remarks for Voluntary Changes

In Smartpoint 11.6 and later, you can set preferences for expanded historical notepad remarks in Voluntary Change responses in Assisted Ticketing. These remarks include additional collection, penalty, and forfeit amounts in specific formats, which are especially useful for processing multiple reissues.


Setting notepad remark preferences is available only:

  • In Smartpoint 11.6 and later.

    In Smartpoint 11.5 and earlier, limited historical remarks, equivalent to the Default setting, are returned.

  • Travelport+ (1G).

    This feature is not supported for Apollo (1V).

  • For voluntary changes created using the Voluntary Change tab in Assisted Ticketing.

    Changes made through terminal formats or other exchange tools are not affected by these settings.

Setting Notepad Remarks

Important! Your agency may configure Smartpoint Desktop to automatically use the desired Voluntary Change remark preference. Before manually changing this setting, confirm with your agency if there is a required standard for displaying these notepad remarks.
To set historical remark preferences:
  1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings.

    • Classic Windows. From the APPLICATION menu, select Application Settings.

    • Flex Windows. Click the Settings icon to select Application Settings.

      The Application Settings dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Voluntary Change Settings section, click Remarks arrow to select a remark option.

    • None
      Does not add any historical fare quote or exchange notepad remarks to the Booking File.

    • Default

      Adds notepad remarks with basic information related to the original ticket before the exchange (H*EXCH) in the face of the PNR/Booking File.

      From an open PNR/Booking File, you can enter *NP to view these remarks. See Remark Details for more information.

      Note: These remarks are also added by default in Smartpoint 11.5 and earlier as the only option available for historical notepad remarks.
    • Historical Notepad (Face of the PNR)

      Adds historical notepad remarks in the face of the PNR/Booking File when a ticket modifier update (HF*FQ) or ticket exchange (HE*EX) is made.

      From an open PNR/Booking File, *NP to view these remarks. See Remark Details for more information.

    • Historical Notepad (History alone)

      Adds notepad remarks only in the history of the PNR/Booking File when a ticket modifier update (HR*FQ) or ticket exchange (HR*EX) is made.

      From an open PNR/Booking File, you can enter *HNP to view these remarks. See Remark Details for more information.

  3. Enter SAVE to confirm your settings selection.

    If applicable, your setting will apply in Assisted Ticketing when you select either:

Remark Details

More information for these settings:

Remarks Logging

The historical notepad remarks in the face of the PNR/Booking File or in the history contain similar format information, regardless of their format for fare quote (HF*FQ and HR*FQ) or exchange (HE*EX and HR*EX).

The values logged in these remarks are collected from the Voluntary Change tab. The following examples show the relationship between data in the Voluntary Change tab and the logged remarks.

These examples shows remarks logged to the face of the booking file (PNR) for fare quote remarks (HF*FQ) and exchange remarks (HE*EX) that are displayed by entering *NP. However, the same remarks are also displayed for fare quote remarks (HR*FQ) logged and exchange remarks (HR*EX) that are logged to the booking file (PNR) history, and displayed by entering *HNP.

Note: These remarks are enclosed between /***** **** - ***** - 11.6.x.x - 27JUN - START***** and /***** **** - *** - 11.6.x.x - 27JUN - END***** remarks. Where 11.6.x.x is the Smartpoint Desktop version and 27Jun is the date when the remarks were added.