Smart Buttons

Smart Buttons is an intuitive scripting tool that is designed for seamless integration with Travelport Smartpoint. Smart Buttons automates the entries used in an agent's day-to-day work environment, which increases efficiency and reduces errors.

Smart Buttons uses XML (Extensible Mark-Up Language) to design and format data in scripts. With Smart Buttons, you can use or create pop-up windows, dialog boxes, and other user interfaces to help manage your agency's data and tailor tasks to your specific workflow.

Smart Buttons:

  • Supports scripting for Travelport+ (1G).

  • Is available for all agencies as an integrated feature in Smartpoint 11.0 and later.

    Note: A plug-in version of Smart Buttons was previously available in some regions. For users of the previous Smart Buttons plugin:
    • Existing Smart Buttons scripts are not affected by the Smartpoint 11.0 installation and will remain available.

    • The original Smart Buttons plugin does not need to be uninstalled for version 4.0 and later. Plugin versions earlier than 4.0 must be uninstalled before installing Smartpoint 11.0.

With Smart Buttons, you can:

  • Use pre-configured buttons, including a Smart Buttons Library.

  • Create new button scripts or modify existing scripts.

Using Smart Buttons

With Smart Buttons you can:

  • Import button scripts as XML files created by your agency or from other sources.

  • Export scripts to XML files or send as an attached XML file via Outlook.

  • Configure Office Buttons used across your agency or Personal Buttons used by an individual agent.

  • Move dialog boxes, which are "sticky" and remain in the same location when a script runs again.

  • Stop or end a script while it runs by pressing the ESC key to escape.

  • Use pre-configured buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library to streamline tasks such as creating MCOs or moving profiles.

    Please Note: The Travelport Smart Buttons The buttons available in your Smart Button Library may vary by agency or region.

Creating and Modifying Smart Buttons Scripts

With the Smart Buttons Editor, you can create or modify button scripts. The Smart Buttons Editor offers the option of using either intuitive screens and direct XML coding to:

  • Modify existing scripts from the Smartpoint Library or other sources to meet your needs.

  • Create new scripts with two levels of complexity:

    • Easy Mode (Advanced GDS Command Helper) to create basic features and controls.

    • Standard Mode to create more complex features and controls. In this mode you can use variables, like If Then Else conditions, and many more controls that allows you to build different kinds of workflows.

To create or modify scripts, there are a number of functions available through the Smart Buttons Editor to:

  • Create controls using intuitive screens or XML elements to create interfaces and perform processes.

  • Create new collections and use existing collections to define and organize data.

  • Use GDS variables to extract from the Travelport+ (1G) host data in a PNR/Booking File.

Creating and Using Triggers

Create and use triggers to identify events when a Smart Button script is launched and the actions that occur after launch.

Travelport Smart Buttons Library

The Travelport Smart Buttons Library is a collection of pre-configured buttons made available by Travelport to assist with common tasks and business processes.

Please Note: Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with the Smartpoint installation. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.
