Smart Buttons
Controls/XML Elements

Question Block <QuestionsBlock>

The QuestionsBlock control groups prompts together on one screen.

For example, this Questions Block contains a text label (TextBlock), two text boxes (TextBox), and a date selector (DatePicker).


You can configure QuestionsBlock in the Smart Buttons Editor using either:

  • XML to nest other controls as child elements within the QuestionsBlock parent element.

  • The Question Block Designer, which provides a user interface to:

    • Design and modify customized dialog boxes, which can include images, color group boxes, single check boxes, and more. Elements (controls) can be placed in any places on the Windows canvas.

    • Define behaviors for all fields. For example, show TextBox A only if CheckBox B is checked.

Note: The functionality of certain controls/XML elements may vary depending on whether the control is via XML or the Question Block Designer.