Trip Quote Copy

Copying and Sending Itinerary Information

Trip Quote Copy copies itinerary information into a table format that can be edited, copied, and pasted to emails or documents.

  1. TOo pen Trip Quote Copy either:
  • Press ALT+Y.
Note: For some agencies, pressing ALT+Y may open Avaya instead of Trip Quote Copy. Please use a Quick Command or TOOLS menu to open Trip Quote Copy.
  • Enter #CMAIN.
  • Classic Windows. From the TOOLS menu, select Trip Quote Copy.
  • Flex Windows. Click the Tools icon to select Trip Quote Copy.
  • Use shortcuts to:
    • Open specific tabs in the Trip Quote Copy window.
    • Copy directly to the Windows clipboard without opening the Trip Quote Copy window.

The Trip Quote Copy window is displayed. If you have an active results display, the applicable tab is displayed automatically. For example, if an Air Availability display is active, the Availability tab is displayed.

Note: Trip Quote Copy may display as a blank screen first and then refresh to display the appropriate data. This known issue is being corrected.

  1. Optional. Select the Global Settings tab to change the display settings for your copied information. You can change the settings any time before you copy your data.
  2. Select a tab from which to copy information. The data displays from the most recent response for the selected functionality.
  3. For example, the Hotel tab displays the most recent Hotel Availability results.

  1. Optional. Edit the information in the selected tab. See each tab topic for details.
  1. Click COPY. The Data Copied to Clipboard message is displayed.

  1. Click OK to close the message.
  2. Paste the data into an email, Microsoft® Word document, Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet, Notepad, Wordpad, or other application that is compatible with the Microsoft® Windows clipboard.

Tip! CTRL+V is the keyboard shortcut to paste for most Windows applications.

In the following example, a Hotel Availability table is pasted in a Microsoft Outlook email.

Tip! If you can change the table format, table colors, automated message, date stamp, and date and time formats in the Global Settings tab. You can also make manual changes to the data after it is pasted.