Customer information

Address Information

You can add the primary traveler's address for your PNR/Booking File in the Address tab of the Customer Information screen.

Air and rail segments may also require a delivery address, which may or may not be the same as the customer address.

To add address information to the PNR/Booking File:
  1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Address tab to display the Address screen.

  1. In Customer Address, click the Add icon to display the address fields for the primary traveler.

  1. Complete the primary traveler's address information.
  2. If a delivery address is required, and is the same as the customer address, select the Also use this for the Delivery Address check box.
  3. Click Apply to store the customer address information.
  4. If a delivery address is required, and is NOT the same as the customer address, click the Add icon to display the delivery address fields for the primary traveler.

  1. Click Apply to store the delivery address information.
  2. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

More Information

For more information, terminal equivalents, and examples:

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)