Selling Hotels with TravelScreen Preferences

Terminal formats can be used to sell hotel segments with appended TravelScreen preferences. These preferences include guarantee information, frequent guest memberships, corporate discount numbers, other special information.

For more information about TravelScreen, see TravelScreen topics in the Travelport Knowledge Base.

To book segments from a reference sell:
  1. Activate TravelScreen preferences.

  2. Search for an available hotel property.

  3. Select a room and rate from Complete Hotel Availability.

  4. Enter terminal formats to sell the hotel segment with Travelscreen preferences.

    After you enter the format, a sell segment that includes Travelscreen preference information is returned.


Note: There is a known issue for TravelScreen responses in Car and Hotel segments on Apollo. While Frequent Flyer membership for airlines (FT-) is processed correctly from TravelScreen, it is not displayed in the response. For example: /FT-US7654321. This issue applies to both Smartpoint and Apollo Host terminal formats.


More Information

For more information,

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)

See Information on TravelScreen Plus in the Travelport Knowledge Base: