EMD Manager: EMD-S

Voiding and Refunding


EMDD (EMD Refund)


With the EMD Manager, you can review any EMD-S and EMD-A that have been issued for an itinerary. EMDs that were created using both terminal commands and the EMD Manager are available in the EMD Review.

You can void or refund EMDs if these functions are supported by the airline. EMDs canceled segments or itineraries can also be voided or refunded, if supported by the airline.

To access void and refund EMDs:
  1. Open the PNR/Booking File.
  2. To open the EMD Manager, either:
  • Press ALT+K.
  • From the TOOLS menu, select EMD Manager.
  1. Click the Review tab to view issued EMDs for a PNR.

The current status of each EMD is indicated. If present, EMD-A are also listed on the Review tab.

  1. Click Details for an EMD to view the full history and information for that EMD in the EMD Details window.

The current status of each EMD-A is indicated. If present, EMD-S are also listed on the Review tab. The most recent EMDs are displayed first.

The availability of voids and refunds varies depending on the airline and itinerary:

  • If the Void button displays in blue , a void is available for this itinerary.
  • If the Refund button displays in dark gray , a refund is available for this itinerary. The Refund button changes to blue when you hover over it.
  • If the Void or Refund button is shaded light gray , the airline does not support that feature for this itinerary.
To void an EMD:
  1. Click the Void button.

A warning message indicates that penalties may be associated with voiding the EMD.

  1. Click Yes to continue with the void.

The EMD details are redisplayed with the EMD status set to VOID.

To refund an EMD:
  1. Click the blue Refund button.

A warning message indicates that a refund cannot be canceled.

  1. Click Yes to continue with the refund.

The EMD details are redisplayed with the EMD status set to REFUND.

After you complete the void or refund, the changed status is also indicated in the EMD Manager List. For example, in the following list, the first EMD is voided and the second EMD remains open.