Bulk Upload Users

Available to: Non-federated Airline Managers, Agency Managers, Developer Administrators, Distributor Administrator

You can perform a bulk upload to add a number of users at once. You can also add a user manually.

  1. Select the Administration menu then Manage users. The Manage Users tab displays.

  2. Select the Bulk update link. A list of previous bulk uploads display. Select the Download link to download a previous bulk job.

  3. As the page describes, create a comma-separated values (CSV) file or text file (TXT) using Notepad or Excel. You can also download the sample CSV file and populate it with your user information.

  4. Create a header row, having this exact format:

  5. Add users (one user per row) following the same format as the header row. For example:

  6. For each user, supply the following information.

    • firstName

    • lastName

    • emailAddress - Enter the email address that is used to log into MyTravelport.

    • cidbNumber - Specifies the CIDB to which the user belongs. This field is used in conjunction with the isDefaultOrg value on this row. If the CIDB entered in this row is the user's default organization, enter TRUE in the isDefaultOrg column. If the user has access to more than one CIDB and the CIDB entered in this row is not the user's default organization, enter FALSE in the isDefaultOrg column.

    • idmRoleName - Specifies the user's role. To give a user more than one role, separate roles using $$ between user roles.

      For travel agency administrators, set the value to Travel Agent Manager. For all agency users, set the value to Travel Agent.

    • preferredLanguage - Specifies the user's preferred language using a language code.

    • isDefaultOrg - If the CIDB in this row is the user's default organization, enter TRUE. If it is not the user's default organization, enter FALSE.

    • rnUserRole - Specifies the role you want the user to have within the individual CIDBs.

      • USER_LOCAL means that the user has no administrator rights. The user can only create cases in their own CIDB.

      • USER_GLOBAL means that the user has no administrator rights. The user can create cases for all CIDB globally.

      • ADMIN_LOCAL means that the user is an administrator for the CIDB specified and can manage users for that CIDB.

      • ADMIN_GLOBAL means that the user is an administrator at the Master Customer Number level (i.e., head office) and at all branches/CIDBs that fall under that number. Therefore, the administrator can manage users across the organization.

    • rnIncidentView - Determines which cases the user can view. Default is MyIncidents(Local).

      • OWN_INCIDENTS_LOCAL means that the user can view their own cases for that CIDB only.

      • OWN_INCIDENTS_GLOBAL means that the user can view their own cases across the CIDBs linked to the Master Customer Number.

      • AGENCY_INCIDENTS_LOCAL means that the user can view all cases from all users for that CIDB only.

      • AGENCY_INCIDENTS_GLOBAL means that the user can view all cases from all users across the CIDBs linked to the Master Customer Number.

  7. Save the file with either a .csv or .txt extension.

  8. In MyTravelport, select Select file.

  9. Navigate to the file and select Open.

  10. Select the Update button. Depending on the number of users being uploaded, the upload process may take a few minutes.

You can download your bulk request once it is complete to view upload details for each user. A Comments section is available for each user, identifying if the user was successfully added or not. If the user already existed in the system prior to the bulk upload, the comments for that user will be Failed – Entry Already Exists.