Ticket List API Reference



For {LocatorCode} send the locator code of the reservation to retrieve (returned in the workbench commit in Confirmation/Locator/value).

Base path:

Pre-production https://api.pp.travelport.com/11/air/

Production https://api.travelport.com/11/air/

Related Content: Ticket Cancel, Refund, & Exchange Guide

Send a ticket list request to return a list of all ticket numbers on a reservation. Does not return ticket details.

Also see:


The Ticket List API requires a GET request with the ticket number to the endpoint above. There are no query parameters or message payload.


For each ticket on the requested reservation, the response returns the traveler name and the ticket number, returning the objects detailed in the table below.

Example Request

There is no message payload. The GET request looks like:


Example Response

The response returns the ticket number for each ticket on the requested reservation. The following examples returns two ticket numbers.