Setting Up Group Payables
The first use of the Group Adjust function is to set up group payables when you negotiate a price with a provider.
To set up group payables:
On the Groups submenu, click Group Adjust.
The Group Adjust screen appears.
Field descriptions
The following table describes the fields in the top portion of the Group Adjust screen.
Field Description Adjust Date
Date when you want this payable to post to the general ledger.
Branch or location group.
To find and select a branch or location group, click the lookup (
) button. The Find Branch screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Account Type
Type of account. Select Provider.
Account ID
Provider’s account ID.
To find and select a provider account ID, click the lookup (
) button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Group ID
Group ID to which this payable applies.
To find and select a group ID, click the lookup (
) button. The Find Group screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
From Invoice #
Beginning invoice number to filter results by a range of invoice numbers. Invoices within the specified range of invoice numbers will be included in the search results. Use this number in conjunction with To Invoice # to define a range. If you specify only From Invoice #, the range includes all invoices numbers from this invoice number to the highest invoice number. To include all invoice numbers, leave this field and the To Invoice # field blank.
To Invoice #
Ending invoice number to filter results by a range of invoice numbers. Invoices within the specified range of invoice numbers will be included in the search results. Use this number in conjunction with From Invoice # to define a range. If you specify only To Invoice #, the range includes all invoices numbers less than and including this invoice number. To include all invoice numbers, leave this field and the From Invoice # field blank.
Party ID
Specific party ID. Leave this field blank to include results for all party IDs.
Sort By
Indicates how to sort results. Select one of the following sort options form the drop-down list: Due Date, Invoice Number, Traveler, Invoice Date, Ticket/Cf #, or Group ID. If you sort by any of these fields, except Due Date, all non-invoice items will be listed first.
Complete the fields in the top portion of the screen as appropriate.
Note: If a message appears that indicates no matching items were found (because this is a new group), click OK.
Click ADJUST. The Enter Group Payable screen appears.
Note: In the screen example above, 139 is the hotel provider for the tour and EUROTOUR is the group ID.
Field descriptions
The following table describes the fields on the Enter Group Payable screen.
Field Description Due Date
Date when payment is due to this provider.
Number of the branch to which to post this entry.
Amount due to the provider.
Journal Entry Description
Description of the entry. This displays in GL Edit & Query when you subtotal on Control #. It also appears on the Journal Entry Register report.
Ref 1
Value for reference 1. Typically, this is the invoice number or other identification from the provider.
Ref 2
Defaults to the provider account. You can change it. For example, if this is a payable for advertising expenses, you might enter ADVERT so that you can sort or select by this in GL Edit & Query.
Comment for this entry.
Complete the fields as appropriate.
- Click SAVE.
Displaying Invoice or Payment Detail for Listed Items
You can display more detail for items listed in the Search Results grid on the Group Adjust screen. The Invoice # field in the grid indicates invoices if populated with invoice numbers (for example, 000202003) and payments if not populated with invoice numbers.
- To view invoice item detail, select an item with an invoice number in the Invoice # field, and then press F4. The Invoice Display screen appears. For more information, see Invoice Display Screen.
- To view payment item detail, select an item with no invoice number in the Invoice # field, and then press F4. The Payment Display screen appears. For more information, see Payment Display Screen.