Issues Related to Galileo or Apollo

This topic provides troubleshooting information related specifically to Galileo or Apollo issues, including:

Issuing Tickets or Downloading PECTABs on Apollo ATB Printer Fails

If you experience difficulties issuing ATB tickets or downloading PECTABs on your Apollo ATB printer, the Galileo Print serial port settings for that device might not match the ATB printer’s internal settings.

Resolution: Ensure that the Galileo Print serial port settings for the Apollo ATB printer device match the printer's internal settings.

  1. On the GPM.NET Configuration window's Device Drivers tab, select the appropriate ATB device driver in the Select Device area.

    The serial port settings for the selected device appear in the Selected Device Configuration area of the tab.

  2. Note the settings for Bits Per Second, Data Bits, Flow Control, Parity, and Stop Bits.
  3. Compare these settings to your Apollo ATB printer's internal settings.
  4. Make adjustments to Galileo Print serial port settings and/or your printer so that they match.

    Note: If the settings match, but the ATB printer throws an error when you issue a ticket, contact Galileo Print Technical Support for assistance.