
General information on client files

Client files (also called profiles) enable you to store customer information in Travelport+. The stored information can easily be transferred into the booking file.

There are 3 levels of client files:

  • Agency file

  • Business file

  • Personal file

Agency file

The agency file is the highest client file level. The agency file can only be created by Travelport. It contains the agency name and pseudo city code. Once created, it is possible for the agent to add further information. This record contains your agency details, such as telephone numbers, office hours and emergency contact numbers.

Display agency file: C*

Business file

Business files are indexed to the agency file, therefore an agency file must exist before a business file can be built. It is built by the agent and usually contains business information of corporate accounts such as company policy, telephone numbers and billing information.

Display business file: C*BUSINESS FILE TITLE

Personal file

Personal files are indexed to a specific business file, therefore a business file must exist before a personal file can be created. It is built by the agent and usually contains the client's personal preferences such as special meal request, mileage membership card numbers, personal telephone and address.


Note: You may create a maximum number of 850,000 personal files. It is recommended that profiles that are no longer required are reviewed and deleted on a regular basis.

Client file lines

Each client file may contain a maximum of 200 lines, where information is entered and stored. It must be entered using a specific format, in order for it to be accepted into the client file and subsequently moved into a booking file.

Line numbering

Data is stored in a client file and referenced with a line number. When creating a client file you may store any data on any line number, but it is good business practice to use the same line numbers for the same types of information in each client file. Using a line numbering convention will make it is easy to transfer information to a booking file by line number, rather than displaying the file every time to check which line number the information is on.