Areas and Zones


Areas refer to Traffic Conference Areas (TCs) as defined by IATA.

  • TC1 is known as Western Hemisphere.

  • TC2 and TC3 are together known as Eastern Hemisphere.

  • Ural Mountain of Russia and Tehran in Middle East divides TC2 with TC3.


Zones refer to smaller regions within a Traffic Conference.

The following information is from ATPCO Appendix C Zone Codes.

How to Search

You can search zones by zone number, country name, or country code. To quickly find information:

  • While on this page, press Ctrl+F to open your browser's search panel. Enter the zone number, country name, or country code, then press enter.
  • Click the Search tab on the left (below the table of contents). Enter the search term, then click the Search button. A list of all topics that contain the search term displays.


  • Parentheses after a country, state, or area indicate the abbreviation for that location.
  • The zone codes are divided into a zone/sub-zone configuration. The first two numbers represent a broad geographic scope; the third number further defines a geographic area within that scope, which may be referenced separately. For example, zone code 000 includes the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. Zone code 001 is defined as a subset covering only the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia. If a reference is made to zone 000, all cities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands would qualify. If reference is made to zone 001, only cities within the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia would qualify.





TC1 – North America

Includes 001, 002, 004, 006, 007, 008, and 009

The 50 United States (US) and the District of Columbia (DC), Canada (CA), Puerto Rico (PR), US Virgin Islands (VI), and Mexico (MX)


TC1 – Contiguous USA

The 48 contiguous United States (US) and the District of Columbia (DC)


TC1 – Canada

Canada (CA)


TC1 – Hawaii

Hawaii (HI)


TC1 – Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico (PR)


TC1 – US Virgin Islands

US Virgin Islands (VI)


TC1 – Alaska

Alaska (AK)


TC1 – Mexico

Mexico (MX)


TC1 – Greenland, Saint Pierre, and Miquelon

Greenland (GL), Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)


TC1 – International points in the Caribbean area

Anguilla (AI), Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Aruba (AW), Bahamas (BS), Barbados (BB), Bermuda (BM), Bonaire/Saint Eustatius/Saba (BQ), British Virgin Islands (VG), Cayman Islands (KY), Cuba (CU), Curacao (CW), Dominica (DM), Dominican Republic (DO), French Guiana (GF), Grenada (GD), Guadeloupe (GP), Guyana (GY), Haiti (HT), Jamaica (JM), Martinique (MQ), Montserrat (MS), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN), Saint Lucia (LC), Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (VC), Saint Maarten (SX), Suriname (SR), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)


TC1 – Central America

Belize (BZ), Costa Rica (CR), El Salvador (SV), Guatemala (GT), Honduras (HN), Nicaragua (NI)


TC1 – South America

Includes 171 and 172

Argentina (AR), Bolivia (BO), Brazil (BR), Chile (CL), Colombia (CO), Ecuador (EC), Falkland Islands (FK), Panama (PA), Paraguay (PY), Peru (PE), Saint Helena (SH), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GS), Uruguay (UY), Venezuela (VE)


TC1 – South America and South Atlantic area

Argentina (AR), Brazil (BR), Chile (CL), Paraguay (PY), Uruguay (UY)


TC1 - Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela

Bolivia (BO), Colombia (CO), Ecuador (EC), Panama (PA), Peru (PE), Venezuela (VE)


TC2 – Europe

Includes 211 and 212

Albania (AL); Algeria (DZ); Andorra (AD); Armenia (AM); Austria (AT); Azerbaijan (AZ); Belarus (BY); Belgium (BE); Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA); Bulgaria (BG); Croatia (HR); Cyprus (CY); Czech Republic (CZ); Denmark, excluding Greenland (DK); Estonia (EE); Faroe Islands (FO); Finland (FI); France (FR); Georgia (GE); Germany (DE); Gibraltar (GI); Greece (GR); Hungary (HU); Iceland (IS); Ireland (IE); Italy (IT); Latvia (LV); Liechtenstein (LI); Lithuania (LT); Luxembourg (LU); Macedonia (MK), The Former Yugoslav Republic of; Malta (MT); Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), Republic of; Monaco (MC); Morocco (MA); Netherlands (NL); Norway (NO); Poland (PL); Portugal (PT), including Azores and Madeira; Romania (RO); Russia (RU); San Marino (SM); Serbia (RS); Slovakia (SK); Slovenia (SI); Spain (ES), including Canary Islands; Svalbard & Jan Mayen Island (SJ); Sweden (SE); Switzerland (CH); Tunisia (TN); Turkey (TR); Ukraine (UA); United Kingdom (GB); Vatican City (VA)


TC2 – Iberian Peninsula

Gibraltar (GI); Portugal (PT), includes Azores and Madeira; Spain (ES), including Canary Islands


TC2 – Scandinavia

Norway (NO); Sweden (SE); Denmark (DK), excluding Greenland


TC2 – Middle East

Bahrain (BH); Egypt (EG); Iran (IR), Islamic Republic of; Iraq (IQ); Israel (IL); Jordan (JO); Kuwait (KW); Lebanon (LB); Occupied Palestinian Territory (PS); Oman (OM); Qatar (QA); Saudi Arabia (SA); South Sudan (SS); Sudan (SD); Syrian Arab Republic (SY); United Arab Emirates (AE), composed of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras El Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm Al Qaiwain; Yemen (YE), Republic of


TC2 – Africa

Includes 231, 232, and 233

Angola (AO); Benin (BJ); Botswana (BW); Burkina Faso (BF); Burundi (BI); Cameroon (CM); Cape Verde (CV); Central African Republic (CF); Chad (TD); Comoros (KM); Congo, Brazzaville (CG); Congo, Kinshasa (CD); Cote d'Ivoire (CI); Djibouti (DJ); Equatorial Guinea (GQ); Eritrea (ER); Ethiopia (ET); Gabon (GA); Gambia (GM); Ghana (GH); Guinea (GN); Guinea Bissau (GW); Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY); Kenya (KE); Lesotho (LS); Liberia (LR); Madagascar (MG); Malawi (MW); Mali (ML); Mauritania (MR); Mauritius (MU); Mayotte (YT); Mozambique (MZ); Namibia (NA); Niger (NE); Nigeria (NG); Reunion (RE); Rwanda (RW); Sao Tome and Principe (ST); Senegal (SN); Seychelles (SC); Sierra Leone (SL); Somalia (SO); South Africa (ZA); Swaziland (SZ); United Republic of Tanzania (TZ); Togo (TG); Uganda (UG); Zambia (ZM); Zimbabwe (ZW)


TC2 – West Africa

Angola (AO); Benin (BJ); Burkina Faso (BF); Cameroon (CM); Cape Verde (CV); Central African Republic (CF); Chad (TD); Congo, Brazzaville (CG); Congo, Kinshasa (CD); Cote d'Ivoire (CI); Equatorial Guinea (GQ); Gabon (GA); Gambia (GM); Ghana (GH); Guinea (GN); Guinea Bissau (GW); Liberia (LR); Mali (ML); Mauritania (MR); Niger (NE); Nigeria (NG); Sao Tome and Principe (ST); Senegal (SN); Sierra Leone (SL); Togo (TG)


TC2 – Southern Africa

Mozambique (MZ); Namibia (NA); South Africa (ZA); Zambia (ZM); Zimbabwe (ZW)


TC2 – East Africa

Kenya (KE); Tanzania (TZ); Uganda (UG)


TC3 – Japan, Rep. of Korea, and Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea

Japan (JP); Rep. of Korea (KR); Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea (KP)


TC3 – Southeast Asia

Brunei Darussalam (BN); Cambodia (KH); China (CN); Hong Kong SAR (HK); Indonesia (ID); Kazakhstan (KZ); Kyrgyzstan (KG); People's Democratic Republic of Laos (LA); Macau SAR (MO); Malaysia (MY); Mongolia (MN); Myanmar (MM); Philippines (PH); Singapore (SG); Province of Taiwan (TW); Tajikistan (TJ); Thailand (TH); Timor Leste (TL); Turkmenistan (TM); Uzbekistan (UZ); Vietnam (VN)

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TC3 – South Asian Subcontinent

Afghanistan (AF); Bangladesh (BD); Bhutan (BT); British Indian Ocean Territory (IO); India (IN); Nepal (NP); Pakistan (PK); Maldives (MV); Sri Lanka (LK)


TC3 – Southwest Pacific

American Samoa (AS); Australia (AU); Christmas Islands (CX); Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC); Cook Islands (CK); Fiji (FJ); French Polynesia (PF); Kiribati (KI); Nauru (NR); New Caledonia (NC); New Zealand (NZ); Niue (NU); Norfolk Island (NF); Papua New Guinea (PG); Pitcairn (PN); Samoa (WS); Solomon Islands (SB); Tokelau (TN); Tonga (TO); Tuvalu (TV); Vanuatu (VU); Wallis and Futuna Islands (WF)


TC3 – US Pacific Trust Territories

Canton (Phoenix Island); Gilbert Island; Guam (GU); Wake Island


TC3 – Russian Federation East of the Urals

Russia (east of the Urals) Kazakhstan (KZ)


TC3 – Micronesia

Micronesia/Caroline Islands (FM); Johnston Island; Mariana Islands (including Guam); Marshall Islands (MH); Palau (PW); US Minor Outlying Islands (UM); Wake Island