Rule Details Panel

The Rule Details Panel provides detailed information about a rule, and the ability to Update, Copy, Suspend, or Delete a rule. Detailed information includes:

  • Rule Name: The name of the associated rule.

  • Rule ID: The numeric identifier for the rule

  • Rule Setup: Description of data within rules.

    • May include data like Campaign name, Exclude airlines, Rule application, Demoted airlines, etc.

  • Target:

    • May include PCC/Group, Channel ID, From/To, and Both Ways indicator, etc.

  • Schedule: The rule effective start and end dates, whether the rule recurs,

    • May include data like travel date window starting days, Travel date window ending days, and Travel day(s) of the week, etc.

  • History: The date and time the rule was created, when it was last updated, the email address of the user who created or edited the rule, etc.